Interior Design Services

Interior design services related to furnishings, fabrics, window treatments, and similar non-built-in items, will be provided at the standard rate of $200 per hour, which may be adjusted on an annual basis. However, purchase management fees (described below) specifically related to these items may be applied towards these Services. In other words, you will be charged only the greater of the total time expended or the purchase management fee.

Example 1:

20 hours are expended shopping and arranging orders for furniture and other decorative items. ($4,000 in fees is earned.) You decide to purchase $20,000 (wholesale or trade cost) worth of furniture. The purchase management fee (15%) is $3,000. This may be applied towards the shopping time fees, so you would owe only a NET of $1,000 above the purchase price plus the management fee for these Interior Design Services.

Example 2:

2 hours ($400) are spent helping you pick out a rug that has a trade cost of $6,000. The purchase management fee (15%) would be $900. In this case, you would only owe the $6,900 for the rug, and the interior design time would be essentially “free.”


Purchase management fees will be applied only to Interior Design Services occurring within 30 days of placing order.

Purchase management fees will be applied towards Additional Services related to Interior Design Services only. Any purchase management fee for “built-in” items, like cabinets or light fixtures, does not qualify for this credit.