Getting Bids Too Early Can Be Disastrous!

Imagine walking into a car dealership and asking the salesperson for a price on a “white medium-sized car.” It would be a silly request, of course, unless you told the salesman the exact make, model, options, and accessories you wanted. Yet many people try to get competitive quotes from contractors for their remodeling project, based on nothing more than a vague verbal description, or some rough sketches.

Most reputable contractors will refuse to quote a price without complete plans and specifications. Some, though, in their eagerness to please their customers, may attempt a “guesstimate,” which will probably be optimistic. Hiring the contractor who has the lowest “guesstimate” is asking for trouble. Continue reading “Getting Bids Too Early Can Be Disastrous!”

So Many Choices…

One aspect of remodeling that most of my clients are not fully prepared for is the potentially overwhelming number of choices that they are going to have to make during the course of their project. They occasionally smile when I tell them that they will be making more choices in the project than they could ever have dreamed of, probably thinking, “Oh, it really can’t be as bad as that.” Well, actually it is! Continue reading “So Many Choices…”